Wrong browser show up on Linux(Mint)

Hello I hope you can help me,

I´m using currently the Brave Browser on my Mint 19.1 System. If i want to open the standard browser of Brave it opens instead of the normal version the nightly version of Brave. I had installed the nightly version to see directly what is new. The issue comes whenever i try to open the standard browser over the taskbar or the icon. By the icon of the nighlty version it opens, how it should be, the nightly version of the brave browser. The browsers are up to date.

I hope someone can help me to figure out what the problem is. In forward thanks a lot.

@jmpa22 Thanks for reaching out. I have setup Linux mint VM in my machine. As i understand from the issue you reported, when you click/open Release version brave, It’s opening Nightly versions? Is my understanding correct? please correct me if I am wrong.

I have all the brave channels installed in my VM (Release, Beta, Dev and Nightly). I tried Reproducing the issue from my side but I am unable to reproduce. Could you please provide the steps ?

Steps which I have followed:

  1. when click on Release shortcut icon-Release version of brave is opened (highlighted in the above screenshot)
  2. when I click on Nightly shortcut icon- Nightly version of brave is opened

If you want to open the brave versions from cmd prompt, please use the below commnads:

  1. brave-browser --> For release version
    For removing release profile rm -rf ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/
  2. brave-browser-beta–> For beta version
    For removing beta profile rm -rf ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/
  3. brave-browser-dev–> For dev version
    For removing dev profile rm -rf ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Dev/
  4. brave-browser-nightly–> For nightly version
    For removing nightly profile rm -rf ~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Nightly/



Thanks for the fast reply. I wrote the wrong browser instead of the nighlty version it open the beta version of brave. If i open the Release version from the command prompt, with the command: brave-browser. I get this message. I don´t know what it means:


As a result the beta browser shows up and in the “About Brave” menu, i see the brave beta icon.
But i found a solution. I removed the installed release version with the command:
sudo apt remove brave-browser
and then I reinstalled the release version with the command:
sudo apt install brave-browser
Now it opens correctly the release version of brave, if i hit the the icon of the release version or over the task bar.
In the first place i installed the release version with the given commands over the main brave download url.

Thanks a lot for your time.

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