Withdraw RENDER from wallet error: Brave says to increase risk tolerance - HOW?

When executing a withdrawel of RENDER from Brave Wallet I encounter an error saying: “because of price fluctuations, you need to increase your risk tolerance to make transactions work during price fluctuations” What deos this mean en what do I need to do exactly? And how?
20240812_Brave naar Kraken verzenden loopt mis

Network: RENDER on SOL

Operating system: Windows 11 Pro

Brave Version:
Versie 1.68.137 Chromium: 127.0.6533.100 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

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Thx for reply, I tried again, but not yet resolved for me.

@Mattches @saoiray I guess we have a scammer here?


Hello - Are you trying to swap it or send $RNDR to another address? Thanks!

Hi - I am trying to send $RENDER (on SOL) to another address. There is some SOL in the wallet to foor what concerns gaz. Thanks. @Evan123

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