Windows 11 Update nuked all Brave users settings plus all other apps

So I turn on my computer today and it acts like I just completed a fresh installation for all my apps - Brave bookmarks and saved passwords gone, address book in email gone and have to reset the account login. All default Windows preferences reset to default settings.

When I go to financial websites, they confirm as a new device.

This began back when I got a Brave exception and unable to load Brave, but workaround was to name Brave.exe to Not Brave.exe and that worked. However, computer has been really slow, likely hardware failure my guess ever since. Haven’t had the bandwidth to deal with Dell for p.c. support yet.

Have run Eset Virus software checking for viruses, nothing.

I check my last Windows update and it was 7/17/24. Any ideas what is going on?

I rechecked that Brave.exe exception thread and it was identified as an Eset related Windows 7/17 update issue with the solution to disable Eset web access protection, which I have now completed.

The referenced thread is here:

Thank you in advance.

Had to completely reset and reinstall Windows to fix.

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