Will I receive my bat from past uninstalls reinstalls

I uninstalled reinstalled my os 2 times in a month(for some reason) and they were both connected to Gemini but it was in 1 month so I did not receive the payment, will I receive it now or are they lost

@asdf I’m going to hope that @Mattches can verify this for me, but my understanding is you would have all your prior BAT that was on your Gemini account from past payouts but you would not have earned any BAT from the time during the month when it was uninstalled.

Once you installed the browser again and you had Brave Ads turned on, you would have begun to earn BAT again for the month. Then if you had signed into your Gemini account to set your wallet, then it would send whatever you earned during January to your Gemini account for February.

I hope that answers. Unfortunately you didn’t specify some information so I had to try to answer in a generic form.

What extra info do you want?

Well, I guess it’s just confirming. Like you said "I uninstalled reinstalled my os 2 times in a month" Are you saying that was both in January? Or when was this?

That is part where I was unsure how to respond, as it may have been possible you were saying this issue was in December and you did not receive pay in January. Then that would mean your question of "Will I receive it now would be yes, you’ll receive JANUARY’S earnings this month. However if had done the uninstall back in December and never got that, chances are you won’t get it.

I hope that might make sense. Part of me is afraid I’m saying too much and creating more confusion. But yeah, that’s all I meant, is just not sure timeframe and entire situation. I did tag Mattches and hopefully he’ll have a better answer when/if he’s able to see your post.

ok both the uninstall reinstalls were in January, and on (the 8th or 9th) of a month I get my payments which is now(8th) and I earned about 1.7+1 in those 2 reinstalls

Yeah, so if your last install was around January 9, then that means from that time until January 31, what you earned should be getting paid to you within the next few days.

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