Why No Gemini Wallet Option on Chromebook?

I have Brave on my Windows PC and have Gemini wallet linked to it, however, in about 4 months of using it, I’ve gotten only 0.25 BAT in my account. I never turn off my computer and am on it most of the time I’m not at work.

On the other hand, I have a Chromebook and installed Brave there but I don’t use it much, usually when I’m watching TV, I use it on the bed. I opened it tonight and discovered that I have 3.5 BAT.

#1) Why such a discrepancy between the earnings of the two systems?

#2) Why is there no Gemini wallet option on the Chromebook Brave browser? There is only an “Uphold Wallet”.

#3) How do I transfer the BAT on my Chromebook? Uphold Wallet can’t even be verified because it says I need at least 15 BAT to verify.

#4) Why have I not received the free 5 BAT for linking to Gemini?

Even though Uphold has denied me creating an account from the links in Brave Rewards, they sent an email that I clicked and went there and created the wallet, so there are issues with Brave/Uphold linking.

But I still can’t get my BAT because when I try, Uphold asks me to enter my credentials and then says “There was an error verifying your wallet” and that’s all.

This originally sounded like a good idea but getting only 29 cents on four browsers in three months is not my idea of passive income. I probably use more than this is electricity while typing these posts.

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