Why is there grid tabs know?

Why is there now force grid tabs on mobile? I see no reason to be obligated to use the grid mode, this was one of the biggest ups brave had over other browsers, why?

I agree.

If Brave doesn’t offer us an option to change back the tab display, I’ll leave Brave.

Hey i dont understand the problem can u send me a screen shot of any kind
Thank you in advace


I don’t know how to take a screenshot on my mobile device but you should have now noticed that your different internet windows (tabs) don’t open the same way as before since the lastest update.

We want the former ‘cascade’ display instead of the new ‘grid’ display.


Go to brave://flags there in the search bar type Tab Grid Layout and click on disable .
Hope this will solve your problem
Thank you
Good day

That doesnt work any longer.

Oh am sorry was not aware about that.