Why is Brave blocking search results regarding the PPC party of Canada?

The PPC party is mostly Libertarian and holds individual rights as the most important function of a government. You would think that this would be right up Braves alley. Please explain and correct this ASAP.

OK, just discovered that only the abbreviation is blocked. Still wrong, the other parties can easily be searched by their abbreviated names.

@alatkinson what are you trying to look up and what terms did you use? For example, I went to Brave Search and typed in PPS party, to which I got results such as you see below. Some may be old, but it’s there.

And typing in PPC 2024 gets some worse results, but it’s because it’s picking up what it thinks is valid, such as:

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In terms of Brave Search accuracy and thinking it’s blocking things, I suggest you read through Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users - #53 by Saoiray

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Thanks for your help. On the day I asked my question, searching PPC or P.P.C. brought zero results having to do with the Peoples Party of Canada. Today I’m getting similar results to yours. I’m happy about that. Also later in the same day that I asked my question, my bookmarks went kablooey as described by many in the community. Could the 2 events be connected?

Thanks and regards,
Al Atkinson

These two events should be completely unrelated. The terms you use, and the region you’re searching from, definitely play a big role in the results you get. For example, here’s what I see if I search for PPC now:

I’m in Florida, and when I searched for PPC it showed me a variety of results, but none were related to the People’s Party of Canada. The search engine was likely trying to give me what it thought were the best results based on my location and the single keyword I used. However, when I added PPC Party, the results were more accurate.

It looks like the system tried to match your search with what it had available, but it wasn’t aligned with what you were looking for. It’s getting better as more people participate in the Web Discovery Project, but for now, it’s still a bit like the old boolean searches where we need to experiment with terms to get better results.

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