Why doesn't media show in notifications?

I’ve been searching for this for months, seriously. I can’t find it or maybe I’m missing something. Why doesn’t media show in notifications?

For example, when Elon Musk tweets an image of his rocket, the notification on my desktop comes up empty.

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Example of a good report:

How to stop the settings cog wheel icon from disappearing in Brave?

IIRC, the Notifications settings need to be set up for allowing notifications from each of your websites of interest.

And, your computing device’s Notifications settings also need to be set up.

So, when you correct your OP (“Original Post”) (or create a new, more accurate OP), please include the details of how Notifications are set up, in:

  • your Internet browser
  • your computing device

Thanks for your reply, i will make a new thread shortly with full detail… i really just need some little help… i will tag again on new thread if you could help… i’d appreciate alot alot

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