Not true. There’s also on-chain payments, which is the way Brave is tending. Perhaps you should read through PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators as well as the links I provide there.
Because they made a lot of mistakes. For example:
Not to mention them making changes, such as:
But those things aside, it’s just that Brave is transitioning away from custodial partners and more to direct on-chain payments.
Not your Brave Wallet, it would be your Rewards. Keep in mind Rewards and Wallet are two very different things.
Anyway, if you were using the same exact device and Rewards profile, you’d still be connected. But with the removal of linking accounts to Gemini, nobody can link any new profiles to them.
While Creators can still link to Gemini, there’s no real benefit to it. Tipping through custodial partners requires the person tipping to be on the same. Meaning only people with their Rewards connected to Gemini are able to tip a Creator on Gemini. With new connections unable to be made to Gemini for about the past 2 years, give or take, this is a dwindling subset of people. Big push is on chain.