Why can't I use my Gemini account for rewards on my new computer?

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Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

**Expected result:**Would love to continue using Gemini account

**Brave Version( check About Brave):**v.173.104

**Additional Information:**Why is this different than on my old computer? I have never had an issue with receiving BAT rewards before. When I try to set up Brave on new computer, only problems.

@jekyll8 you can’t connect to Gemini on your old computer either. Gemini was removed as a partner well over a year ago. Existing profiles that were connected were able to remain so but that’s it. In other words, if you reset your Rewards or create a new profile on your old computer, you would see Gemini is not an option.

Options for custodial partners are:

  • Uphold for most countries
  • ZebPay for India
  • BitFlyer for Japan

For everyone else, there’s nothing or on-chain payments.

As for on-chain payments: