Why can’t I see images on the THREADS web site? If I change browsers to Firefox there’s no problem.
Running on MacOS Sequoia 15.2 and current Brave browser
Why can’t I see images on the THREADS web site? If I change browsers to Firefox there’s no problem.
Running on MacOS Sequoia 15.2 and current Brave browser
Please link to site.
What do you mean - “please link to site” ?
Sounds like 1 or more javascript sources, is/are frustrated.
Tips regarding Brave Shields:
I have more success, with:
I almost NEVER use:
What I do, in order to Allow specific JavaScript sources - an example:
On desktop / laptop computers:
In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:
Scroll down that javascript settings page to Allowed to use javascript
Click the Add button
Enter [*.]website_of_interest.com
as the site . . . but do not Enable the following:
Click the Add button
(You would replace the character string, “website_of_interest.com” with your domain of interest.)
Shields Basics
How do I configure global and site-specific Shields settings?
How do I use Shields while browsing?
And more study:
Opening the Developer Tools window
On the first occasion of using Developer Tools, the Developer Tools “window” is usually a part of (contained within) its associated Brave Browser window . . . but you can make the Developer Tools window, a standalone window (though keeping its association with the Brave Browser window). I recommend that you do so:
In the upper right-hand corner of the Developer Tools window, there is an “Organizer” 3-vertical-dots button - click on that. The result should be a pop-up:
Notice the tiny blue icon that is first (left to right) among 4. Click on that icon. The Developer Tools window will become a standalone window.
How to use Developer Tools:
Developer Tools > Network:
By monitoring the Developer Tools window > Network tab, you can observe the “behind the scenes” networking activity between the Internet browser and the website.
Yet another Twitter clone?
Looks OK to me.
@bobmac27 we’re missing a lot of information from you in what matters. You saying a website isn’t working right for you is like me telling you that my car won’t start. I mean, there are a lot of reasons why it might not work and having details on what has been checked or done, what type, etc all matters.
In your situation you chose not to say what version of Brave you’re using, whether you have any extensions, if you have tried with Shields off, what Shields settings you have, if it works in a private window, or any other number of details.
With the severe lack of information, it’s hard to know where to start except for you to go through everything I just listed and then some.
Just so you know, when testing on my browser, it seems to work just fine: