For most of the online streams I’m getting the message in the video player instead of the video
“WhoStreams stream is domain protected”
As you can see from the below screenshot, Flash is enabled, shield is disabled as well, still video is not loading. Whereas the same link is working without any issues in Chrome.
Shields actually do not need to be disabled entirely in order to view website content. I’m actually kind of a fan of the way this site displays the “error message” (for lack of a better term) in the video depending on the state of the browser – useful for debugging.
Before going further, I’d like to note that, imo, you should definitely have Shields up for this site – first visit blocks:
30 3rd party trackers
1 device recognition attempt (more on this below)
And goes through 9 different https upgrades
Anyway – if you must stream from here, the media player on the site requires that cookies be set by the site and, additionally, you must also allow Device Recognition on the site. The message in @sriram’s reply above states that Sandbox iframe not allowed – this is because the site needs to render content from a 3rd party on your screen through an iframe element on the page (this likely requires canvasing your screen size to properly render as well). Brave blocks this attempt and subsequently causes the site to produce this message.
Workaround – Visit whostreams, open your Shields panel in the address bar and change
3rd-party cookies blocked = All cookies allowed
3rd-party device recognition blocked = All device recognition allowed
Thank you, I do appreciate you bringing these matters to our attention. I’ll make sure our web compat guys get eyes on this as time allows.