Where is QR code for wallet transfer?

I’m trying to do a wallet transfer from my ios device to my rewards desktop wallet. It tells me there is a QR code in my rewards tab however I cannot see it. I have gone to my Uphold wallet and tried to use the QR code there but consistently get the error for “Connection error - the brave rewards server did not respond.” How can I transfer my rewards from my mobile wallet to my desktop wallet if I cannot find the QR on the rewards page?

Hope you can get help.

On the mobile app it tells me to do a “legacy wallet transfer” to get my rewards accrued from the mobile. Buy yeah no QR where it directs me too and doesn’t work using Uphold QR

Same issue here, I’m with gemini for my link but regardless I still don’t see an option to scan on brave desktop (mac) and the gemini QR code does not work…

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