Where Does Brave Store Passwords?

Hello @LadyFitzgerald

go to


then look for file called Login Data

but the issue that this file is encrypted using your old username account
so i do not think that it will work

but give it a try

another way that i am not sure if it will work or not

copy your brave-browser folder from your old drive to any location you like then

that you start brave using flags --user-data-dir=the new location that you copied our folder too (use brave-browser folder)

so for example it could be something like that /home/username/Downloads/brave-browser

brave-browser-stable --user-data-dir=/home/unknown/Downloads/Brave-Browser/

the brave-browser-stable are in the /usr/bin folder

and see if it show up your old profile or not

if it did then see if you can go to brave://settings/passwords and export the password from there

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile: