Where can I manually find my browser data and saved passwords and retrieve/save them?

What directories do I need to look to find my browser data and password stored at so I can retrieve them as a backup, manually that is. Brave crashes when I tried to retrieve them through the browser even while on private mode, so I can’t get to it from that.

Just need to know where to look for both the browser data and passwords data so I can back it all up since I cannot use Brave at the moment due to loading issues to be able to do both through the browser.

I am curious as to what was updated on the browser that caused it the browser to refuse to load?? I have not added or deleted anything from the browser in many months, so it can’t be from my end.


You are likely encountering the same issue as these users here:

We are working to get this issue resolved. To be safe, I would go ahead and backup your entire User data folder which you can find (in Windows) by going to:
C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\

I am not finding that under…

C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\

It’s not there, is there a previous directory path that was used before that? I’ve been a Brave user for quite a long time, so maybe it’s from a different path Brave used prior to changing to that path above?


Are you navigating there via the explorer or the command line?

I found it and made a backup.

Hopefully Brave will issue a fix sometime soon.

Thank you for pointing out the location of my data.


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@deafguy64 they issued a fix for the browser crashing on launch. Can you confirm if you have done this update and if your issue is resolved?

Oh, and what I do also want to point out is that copying your passwords by taking the User Data folder as you did may not be able to be useful to you. If it’s on the same device and all, it may keep same encryption through OSCrypt but if you ever reset your device or tried moving it elsewhere, the passwords wouldn’t be seen due to the encryption being tied into your OS keychain.

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Yep, it’s working now. I found from another forum that showed me how to manually fix the problem by changing a line to a different number and saved it, then BOOM! the browser loaded. w00t! So I suppose that same fix was done or would be done in the same manner.

Didn’t lose a thing either. So I’m all good. That was a pretty rough few days and frustration to get my browser back up and running.


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What I am wondering is are the devs using a dummy computer(s) loaded with different OS(s) to test all of their coding to make sure they’re all working as intended before uploading their official update? Just wondering because it could have saved a few days (if not a week or more) of frustration for a lot of users.


@deafguy I’m sure they do, though I’m not sure to which extent. In the case of this current crash, it was all because of a specific profile icon people had used. So even in their testing, the chances of doing that would have been slim. Not sure if you had seen it, but let me quote Clifton below:

OK we have a fix! Just need to clean it up, submit a patch, and review it. This is a P1 issue meaning we’ll get a fix out as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience folks!

BTW - the root cause seems to be: folks who picked a Chromium icon a long time ago. If you’ve responded here, please let us know if you’ve been a Brave user for a while. For example, the IDR_PROFILE_AVATAR_28 is a picture of a Corgi. We used to display the Chromium profile icons in Brave and let folks pick them. Then, we hid them.

The root cause is that folks with those old icons set are now hitting a code path which breaks. But only on Windows.

That’s weird, a profile icon caused the crash? That made my mind go, /boggle!

Let me see if I can get this straight, profile icons have some sort of code in them that caused conflicts with the coding of the browser?


Yeah, it’s crazy to believe that it works that way. Little things like that are essentially why they try asking for so many details from people and why it can be so difficult to fix problems when they occur. All it takes is the slightest little issue in code to make everything else go bonkers.

They say all it takes is one little change or even one small typo within millions of lines of code can cause everything else to fall apart and then try to find out what went wrong within all of that code can be quite a headache.

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¡Ay, caramba!

That’s crazy. Well, hopefully this won’t happen again anytime soon.

Thanks for helping me make sense of things.


Hey there. I had to give up finding my passwords from 7/31, and am rebuilding them. As a novice, where can I put the backup so that I can use it later? Also how do I make a ‘cvs’ file and where should I keep it (desktop?) Thanks…and for thanks for your patience too.

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