Where are they saved?

I’m on ubuntu and i would like to know where the following data are stored (so i can back them up)
So far i can only find the ‘default’ folder which holds my profile, but im missing other stuff.

  1. flags
  2. shields options and custom filters
  3. cookies (saved)

Probably the better method for saving the items of your concern, is to use Brave Sync, or possibly GoodSync.

On the other hand, I wrote a script that routinely backs up the all-important parent folder, BraveSoftware:

On Linux OS (IIRC):

~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ . . .

OR, for Linux OS, in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


and scroll down to “Profile Path” - that path very likely ending with “Default” - and locate the “BraveSoftware” folder in that path.

On Mac OS:

/Users/[your_user_shortname]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ . . .

On Windows OS:

C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\ . . .

My backup process:

  1. .zip compress that folder

  2. Give that .zip file a chronological name, for example:


  1. Copy that backup file to a location that is NOT within any Brave directory . . . and therefore is relatively safe from an unexpected Brave Browser “calamity.” The relatively safe locations include, an external drive.

PS. Your other concern, cookies on Android:

Cookies on android phone

probably also falls under the above sync and backup ideas.

On Ubuntu, flags, shields, and custom filters are usually stored in ~/.config/[app-name]/ or ~/.local/share/[app-name]/. Cookies, for browsers like Chrome, can be found in ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Cookies. To back them up, simply copy the relevant folders or files. Replace “[app-name]” with the specific app you’re using.