Where are my monthly BATs?

A few days ago I was supposed to get my monthly BATs, but something happened and my BATs just disappear. Also not only my monthly and also my weekly BATs number is replaced with dashes.

This is the announced change where you can no longer earn BAT for yourself unless you’re linked to a custodial partner, such as Uphold or Gemini. You can read about that at https://brave.com/rewards-changes/

As to balance showing 0.00, I know if you had BAT it should continue showing. Also should have received this last payment. Not sure if you’d see a balance if you checked at brave://rewards-internals or not? But if having issue there, you may need to create a Rewards Support Ticket at https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001302431

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