What push notification API does brave run?

I’m currently workin on java push notification system for a rest web app and
I was wondering which API does Brave use for sending push notifications to the browser? Is it Mozilla’s push service because of the MPL license, or since its Chromium base does it implement Firebase Cloud Messaging as Chrome?

Thank you


I can’t get push notification to work in Brave.
the getToken from Firebase,getToken never ends.
End using the push api I always get a request failed on
const subscription = await self.registration.pushManager.subscribe(options)
sw.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Request failed


I am wondering the exact same thing. We are running Firebase Cloud Messaging for our app and we only get notifications on Chrome for some reason.

Yes, on Brave we do get asked to Allow/Block them, but them after allowing them we never receive anything.

Has someone found a fix for this so far? Is there a workaround for that failing getToken function?

Thank you

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For FCM push notifications it’s necessary to turn on “Use Google Services for Push Messaging”
Take a look in the Github Issue: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/2301#issuecomment-570114852