I have two sites that I link to every day to enter a Travel Channel Sweepstakes. One of the URLs is “https://www.travelchannel.com/sweepstakes/warm-weather-escape?nl=R-TC:Sweeps2018_2019-01-18_Enter&bid=15744059&c32=79c55fcc9607f2cced9e786ec762f8947a116c11&ssid=2015_Travel_Channel_Monthly_Sweepstakes_201512_Wildfire&sni_by=1940&sni_gn=Male”
I copy the URL from Brave and open Chrome and paste the URL in Chrome and the site opens properly with the fields for me to enter my email address. This happens every time I try to enter the contest.
Brave Version 0.58.21 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Reproducible on current live release (YES):