I opened a wallet on the desktop app but trying to open that on my android, it’s saying the password is incorrect. Thought this was supposed to be seamless. Even after I used my recovery words.
Hello - Your Brave Wallet does not sync across devices unless you’ve imported the recovery phrase over from your Desktop wallet.
The password is set locally for the device/wallet. If you’re receiving an incorrect password error, it may be best to reimport the recovery phrase so you can set the password again.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Buena tardes.
Queria hacer una consulta. Mi billetera tanto de escritorio como movil no me deja ingresar poniendo las 24 palabras semillas
Al momento de ingresarlas y poner la clave para recuperar la walet, me avisa que esta todo bien para lmgresar a la billetera pero quiero ingresar y me vuelve a pedir las 24 palabras semillas.
Por que sera?
Thanks, I’ll try this.
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