Wallet disconnected but June rewards still arriving? Where?

@maniesh I forget if I ever linked to you, but check out Psa: updates from brave call

I asked about India specifically and they answered. They are working on it but it just became a nightmare due to legalities and all. Nobody is saying specifically who screwed up or how, only that mistakes have been made and so they had to stop with regions for a short period.

Also, they have advised they are looking at a new option here soon.

In the meantime, users facing a situation in which they have no custodial option and need to back up their current vBAT can manually copy-paste/back up their /brave-browser folder (at least on desktop), which will contain their vBAT at the time of manual backup. They can find a path to it in brave://version.

So they are saying big changes coming to Rewards soon. But haven’t said much else about it yet. I’m hoping they’ll reveal on Tuesday if we have the next Community Call then.

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