Wallet address and/or “Withdrawl” Button not showing up anywhere

I am attempting to link my Uphold account with my Brave Rewards account. But I can’t find my wallet address or the “Withdrawl” link when I click the “triangle” in the top right hand corner. Uphold attempted to help but said that I needed to contact Brave for help with this. Should I post my “Support Info” to this post or only in private messages?

I’ve attacked a screenshot of my “rewards summary” with this post. I believe there should be a “Withdrawl” link next to it near the “Settings” link, correct?

Which OS and Brave version?

iOS 13.1.3

Brave: Version 1.13 (

Did that info help? Is there anything else I need to add?

Withdrawal and the ability to verify brave://rewards wallet is not available for iOS version yet. Only on desktop.


Those of us using iOS can’t withdrawal or access or balances? Is this being worked on? Is there an estimate of this functionality going live?

I’m having the same issue. I can see brave reward on my iOS device running iOS 12.4 with brave version 1.14 ( Key info seed is Valid and wallet was created on Nov 13, 2019. How can I get the Brave reward I’m earning on iOS device?

Not fun. :frowning: Is there an external site we can login to to withdraw coins? Instead of through the rewards dashboard inside the browser?

That might be helpful for those of us in 2019/almost2020 that don’t have any reason to own/use a desktop anymore…

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