vpn related youtube video blocks ? "sign in to view" "captcha"

So this might be unrelated to brave browser so maybe it shouldn’t be posted here but it could be related to the browser ? No idea.
Ever since year 2023 or 2024 late fall, vpn blocks are getting insane.
I was able to to visit many websites without getting blocked including youtube.
Now it blocks not just youtube and many popular webs, it also blocks the small websites that not many knows such as forums and random article webs.

So youtube isn’t necessarily blocked but it is.

I can visit youtube. I can search and see the thumbnails and titles. If I click I was able to play the video, then now I can only check the comments because it says “sign in to view”. This means they noticed I’m using vpn. If I use other vpn, then it works.

Then sometimes youtube will tell me to do captcha after viewing many “comments” because I can’t play the videos. And captchas are just impossible because purposely they will show images where a bike or car is tiny bit out of the squares to choose and you get confused. Also i’m sure whether it’s correct or not is based on majority of people chosen what. Which means if most people chose the wrong answer that is the correct answer. Should have more detail description on how to choose exactly. The only captcha that works is the one where you get to choose a small image because that is obvious. unlike the select all squares.

Does not happen often, but it happens:

YouTube.com requires a sign-in for viewing.

I discovered that I have to disconnect the VPN, wait a short while, connect the VPN . . . in order to somehow change the WAN IP address that the VPN assigns to my computer.

And eventually, I stumble onto a WAN IP address that apparently satisfies YouTube.com.

BTW, I manually set DNS server info, and that seems to help.

Also, I use Private Windows / Private Browsing Only / --incognito . I do not save cookies, nor cache, nor history, nor logins.

what ? wan ip ? “private” windows ? there’s a private one ?
I usually use free vpns so it doesn’t work. If I use the other vpn that is free yet better one limited data, it will view youtube but data is limited.

And even the other unlimited vpn, sometimes very rarely I get to play the video. Most likely an error or something.

I always try to use vpn. Paying vpn is another pay for the internet use which is nah.
bet they also sell the datas either way so whatever but still.

Do you have any ways to bypass this ?

You said you manually set dns server info. So can that bypass vpnblocks ?
It’s getting more difficult to visit any unpopular webs as well now.
The reason why i post this here is also because this website doesn’t care.
(which is very rare. youtube, reddit, forums (IT,health,etc) are also blocked.)
Probably 70,80% webs are all blocked at this point.

There’s also this “Cloudflare” whatever security that has vpn block. Many websites
adopted this security. It’s sad.

We gotta block the spam and bots. But really ? I don’t think there are that many nothing better to do bot spam stuff anyways. what about some privacy ?

I pay for VPN. It is not Brave’s. I use Brave Browser for its Privacy & Security, that I see as much more important than Convenience.

Lots of info and tips, follow . . .

WAN IP: “http://wanip.info/

WAN IP and other info about your presence on the Internet: “https://ipleak.net/

Manually set DNS server numbers:

Best free or public DNS servers - Quick list:


How to change DNS settings on your PC running Windows 10


How to change DNS settings on your Linux machine


Change DNS settings on Mac


Private Browsing


What is a Private Window?


Private Browsing Only - iOS


Toggling this option On will tell the browser to only open private windows when the browser is launched. The browser will behave this way until the setting is toggled Off. Please see our Private Browsing section for more information on what Private windows are and how they function.

The --incognito switch, is used in the following command, so when starting up Brave Browser, the browser shows a New Private Window (Windows OS, 64-bit architecture, example):

"C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe" --incognito

I almost always use a Brave Browser New Private Window, for desktop and laptop computers. And, Private Browsing Only mode for iOS devices.

In order to reduce influence by websites:

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to: brave://settings/content

Scroll down to Additional permission . . . and set:

  • Protocol handlers: Don't allow sites to handle protocols
  • File editing: Don't allow sites to edit files or folders on your device
  • Clipboard: Don't allow sites to see text or images on your clipboard
  • Window management (later BB versions): Don't allow sites to manage windows on all your displays
  • Window placement (older BB versions): Don't allow sites use info about your screens to open and place windows

Scroll down to Content . . . and set:

  • Pop-ups and redirects: Don't allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirects

Regarding Brave Shields:

I have more success, with:

  • Brave Shields UP
  • Either Allow All Cookies or Block 3rd Party Cookies, but NOT Blocking All Cookies
  • Allowing JavaScripts from specific sources, but NOT Allowing All JavaScripts
  • Trackers & Ads treatment: Aggressive (at first), and then incrementally relaxing that setting
  • Fingerprinting (aka footprinting) blocking: Strict (at first), and then incrementally relaxing that setting

I almost NEVER use:

  • All of Brave Shields UP
  • All of Brave Shields DOWN

PS. I have data backup routines for:

  • bookmarks
  • passwords
  • the all-important BraveSoftware folder:

Linux OS: /home/[username]/.config/BraveSoftware/

Mac OS: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/

Windows OS: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\

My backups all have names that are chonological, so I can reach back in time and use a backup of, for example, bookmarks:
