Viewing & Editting URLs in Brave Private Web Browser for Android

Description of the issue: When attempting to visually inspect the URL of the webpage that is currently being rendered by Brave Private Web Browser, VPN for Android (by physically tapping the address bar), the web address field is immediately cleared and the URL is not readily available for visual inspection and verification. Instead, icons to Share, Copy, or Edit the current URL are presented. For security purposes, Brave’s default response to the address bar being tapped should be to immediately expand the web address field, display the full URL of the current webpage, and allow the URL to be edited by the end user.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Access a webpage via Brave Private Web Browser, VPN for Android.
  2. Attempt to edit the URL of the current webpage by tapping the address bar.

Expected result: Brave Private Web Browser, VPN immediately expands the web address field and allows the end user to view and edit the complete URL for the currently rendered webpage.

Brave Version: Brave 1.73.104, Chromium 131.0.6778.204

Additional Information: The current way Brave Private Web Browser, VPN for Android handles the address bar’s functionality is a potential security flaw as in makes it unnecessarily difficult for end users to visually inspect and verify the web addresses they are accessing. The Brave Team should prioritize the security of their end users by promptly correcting this issue.