Very poor performance on EasyEDA 3D PCB view


I’m getting very poor 3D performance (almost updating every 1 or 2 seconds) on site viewing PCB in 3D. My configuration is: Hardware Acceleration On (Tried Hardware Acceleration off with the same result) and all Shields off for the site.
In the same System and OS using Firefox, Chrome or Opera I had no issues.

Brave Versión 1.47.186 Chromium: 109.0.5414.119 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Ubuntu 22.10
GPU driver: nvidia-driver-525

CPU: I5 12th generation
GPU: nVidia RTX3060
RAM: 16Gb
Disc: SSD

Maybe some extra configuration to try?

Hello @Madbyte, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please let us know if you have deleted your browser data recently and if by any chance are you using extensions so you can try disabling them or trying in a private window to see if the issue persists. Regards.

Loaded|742194550c8146c1b83fba69cbf9e34d as a test seems fine here. Is there a sample url we should test?

Disabling HW Acceleration may cause some issues also

I tested using a new profile and private mode with the same poor results.
GNOME Shell Integration is the only extension installed.

I made the tests using your link.

How is it benchmarked? how is it classed as slow?

Excuse me but it seems that you are questioning me. Don’t you think that as an easyEDA user I am able to distinguish between a good performance and a bad one? I already said that in other browsers it looks fluid and in Brave it doesn’t.

Guess which one is Brave

Is GPU acceration enabled?

Are you kidding? Have you read the post? Do I have to repeat everything?

Ok. Uninstalling Brave.

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