Very annoying start page ads

Every 3rd-4th time when i open start page it shows me very annoying “etoro” ads as a wallpaper i didn’t ask for.

I have Brave Rewards program disabled, but i still get this ads i never need.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Run Brave Browser
  2. Open start page
  3. Refresh it several times

Expected result:
Watch different wallpapers without ads.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.5.112 Chromium: 80.0.3987.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)


Hi @lovebeam. You can disable this seeing the screenshot:


Seeing this on iOS too.

Thank you very much!
It worked!
Didn’t notice this option.

You are great :slight_smile:

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No problem. Pleasure to help. :slight_smile:

@lovebeam Try disabling “sponsored ads” in screenshot @rolak posted. :+1:

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