Vertical tabs drag and drop BUG

Description of the issue: Ever since vertical tabs were introduced (since the first vertical tabs version), drag and dropping them into other tabs hasn’t worked. It’s been probably a year now.
How can this issue be reproduced?
I have made a GIF which shows this issue pretty clearly.

  1. enable vertical tabs
  2. create at least 2 tabs
  3. try drag and dropping one of them

( I have used private tab, but same happens on regular tabs. All extensions disabled)

Expected result: The tab should snap back into the vertical tab zone/list.

Brave Version:
Version 1.68.141 Chromium: 127.0.6533.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Windows 11

Additional Information:
As I’ve mentioned, this issue persists ever since the beginning. I would also note, that first time vertical tabs came to Microsoft Edge, the same issue was present. Edge has since fixed this issue, but brave hasn’t.
I would assume the bug is more general (engine?) since I experienced it in Edge back in the day.


There have been sevelar reports for this, so far ignored…

Thank you for reporting. It looks like we have an open issue for this on our Github:

I’ve added your report as well as a few others to the issue for the developers to review.

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