Description of the issue: Ever since vertical tabs were introduced (since the first vertical tabs version), drag and dropping them into other tabs hasn’t worked. It’s been probably a year now. How can this issue be reproduced?
I have made a GIF which shows this issue pretty clearly.
enable vertical tabs
create at least 2 tabs
try drag and dropping one of them
( I have used private tab, but same happens on regular tabs. All extensions disabled)
Expected result: The tab should snap back into the vertical tab zone/list.
Additional Information:
As I’ve mentioned, this issue persists ever since the beginning. I would also note, that first time vertical tabs came to Microsoft Edge, the same issue was present. Edge has since fixed this issue, but brave hasn’t.
I would assume the bug is more general (engine?) since I experienced it in Edge back in the day.
There have been sevelar reports for this, so far ignored…