Verifying across devices

It has been impossible to actually verify thanks to some backend change

AND THE PROBLEM IS we are from 3rd world countries?

I want to support this browser but if this is still issue by December I’m out just saying…

Nope. You must really not have been paying attention to any of the conversations here on Brave Community. This same message has been shown to people from Germany, France, Brazil, India, and others. Do you call them 3rd world countries?

Correct. And it was announced when it happened. I’ve also been providing feedback here on Brave Community in various topics made. Brave announced that they had to disable it all as there were issues with regulations and they were getting pushback from some governments. They took down almost every country and began working on making sure to rework things so they have no issues with regulations, compliance, fraud, etc.

Well, they did say their goal is to have most workable countries added again by the end of the year. So hopefully will be done. Just out of curiosity, which country are you in?

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