User Solutions: Brave Release 1.39.x


Thank you for taking the time to explain - well - the ‘Flagged Indicator’ status.

I put together a ‘How to’ (“In order to find an indicator . . .”) - step by step with illustrations:

But, I now wonder, if all that only works for ‘Verified accounts’? According to what you wrote, probably not.

CORRECT: ‘Verified accounts should not have to disconnect then reconnect to their custodial accounts just to see if their account is flagged.’

The purpose of an Indicator, can be illustrated by a Go (GREEN LAMP) / No-Go (RED LAMP) bulb to indicate status. That simple.

Within brave://rewards/ a button might be included (with a label: ‘Click in order to learn if your Brave Rewards profile (user account) is Flagged’), by which, the Brave Rewards user simply clicks on that button, and then a Brave Browser > New Private Window (or New Window - whichever is best) opens with a response from Brave, re ‘Flagged’ or ‘Not Flagged’ -and- WHY.

Using your first link, I visited:


followed by:

Learn more about Brave's process for flagging Rewards profiles. links to (not published yet).

Actually, that last linked webpage exists, but I am uncertain about what extra info is not yet published: