Use own wallet for rewards

I am a publisher of 2 websites and currently I am forced to use Uphold. I am very, very unhappy with this since it’s an ordinary middleman which is contrary to what blockchain is used for. I am forced to do KYC at Uphold.

Now I have a serious issue with Uphold, because they don’t accept my credentials for 2 websites. See their answer:

Hi there,

Thanks for choosing Uphold.

While reviewing your account, we realized that your identification has been used for multiple accounts.

I’m sorry, we had to put a temporary restriction on your accounts because creating multiple accounts is within violation of your membership agreement as per section 3.14 (

In order to lift this restriction, please advise us which of the accounts you would prefer to keep active. The other account will be given 24 hours to remove all of its funds and then will be blocked.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please provide an answer at your earliest convenience so that we can resolve this matter as soon as possible.


Luis and the Uphold Team

Our FAQ:
Our Blog:

This cannot be true. In this way it’s not possible to run 2 websites as a Brave publisher. Or please inform me how it’s possible to do that.
But it is so important to give publishers the possibility to use their own wallet of their choice.

Thanks for reaching out @Herman_N.

  • For now, Uphold is required in order to receive the contribution. The team is working on other method so publisher can do KYC and use their own wallet.

  • I’m not sure about your issue with Uphold. Did you create different account for each site?

You only need one Uphold account, one publishers account (you can add multiple site/channel under 1 publisher account).

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Hi @eljuno, thnx for the quick answer.

Yes, I created two accounts for the different sites. That’s because I am the owner of one of them. The other website I only am co-founder with a partner. So, I wanted to split my rewards in this way.

Beside that it was not clear to me that it was not possible to have 2 accounts. Ok, I assume it is described in the terms and conditions, but intuitively this looked the best way to separate my funds.

But… the most important point is that people should be able to control their funds and wallets in a blockchain based solution.

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