New user here (enough said), I made an account and funded it on upload thinking I was funding my Brave wallet. It was my mistake and I now have funds I can not move from upload because I misread their fee page. Can I get my uphold id for my Brave wallet so I can send it without fees from Uphold?
Apologies for late response @mmassey79,
If I understand your post correctly, you want to know the wallet address for your in browser wallet (under brave://rewards).
You can find your BAT address there under “Add funds” button. I’m not sure if it’ll still require withdrawal fees from Uphold. But Uphold also will remove the fees for BAT in the future, IIRC. cc @chriscat
your uphold id should be in your email when you log into your brave acc. it should send u email to verified your id then u o in your email and clicque link and you will be able to log in…
for security reason you have to verifie your email evrytime you log in witch is kinda good cause if you lose your mobile or somyone try to log in your uphold acc.
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