Greetings, I am very new to brave
I finished brave setup including producer rewards
Everywhere it say my wallet is managed by uphold
When I went to their site I tried to finish my installation, but at poage 3 i forces me to use F2A
Recently my phone was stolen, and I had no way to recover my F2A tool, so I do not want to use such tools, I chose to risk it without F2A… But upholds does not allow me to do that
SO, how can I set up my brave wallets in a way where i do not need F2A
while waiting for an answer I found some info on the net, seems the BAT is en ERC20 token from ethereum…
Why not simply give your users the ability to use their ethereum wallet instead of forcing that uphold thing ?
Do not worry too much about KYC crypto exchange take care of it. Just allow us to use an existing wallet.
Also, donations, gifts and tips may be sent and received anonymously, and in total legality, here in belgium, so unless you offer a work contract I do not see the need of KYC.
if KYC is the only barrier to get a wallet I can install as I want, without forcing 2FA ( which is not at all related to KYC), I can if you really need it send you my id card so you feel confortable with your country’s laws