Uphold or Gemini verification Error in Argentina

I am in Argentina, I receive rewards from various devices that I use and I had it verified with Uphold in my main browser. I know that regions from which wallets cannot be verified have been removed, but I would like to know what happens to the ADS that we are receiving because we continue to accumulate rewards that we will not be able to send to any wallet if my browser is not verified in either Uphold or Gemini (at I signed up thinking Uphold had stopped working with Brave). They tell me that the region is no longer enabled to receive ads, but that is not the case since I continue to receive them on all my devices. I need to know how to transfer the BATs that I will receive this month and the pending ones, as well as confirm if the region will no longer pay for Ads, uninstall Brave from all my associated devices. Thank you very much.

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No, not true. Argentina can still view ads and earn BAT. In fact, at the time I’m writing this, there are 18 ad campaigns in Argentina. You can see that at https://brave.com/transparency/

This is where you’re restricted for the time being. So what happens is that you end up earning BAT and claim it to save in your browser. In other words, you can’t have the BAT moved over to Gemini, Uphold, or anywhere else outside of Brave except perhaps to tip Creators.

You can’t. BAT is in your browser or you can tip to Creators. You can’t move it anywhere else.

I am a content creator, but if I pass them to my websites I will not be able to transfer them from there either???


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