Uphold/Gemini not working in Brazil

Yes, I know. It’s temporary disabled. I also know ETA questions are very annoying but is there even a vage time frame for we in Brazil be able to recieve the rewards again in our wallets.

I have bacisally 50 bats that can vanish if something happen to my devices. That’s not very rejoicing.

Uphold is working in Brazil and Gemini users are able to connect if they were priorly connected to Gemini irrespective of the geo location.
Could you tell us what error you get?
That will help narrowing down the issue.

Of course my friend. It says “incompatible country”

@eduardovi Ah, that’s from the newer changes. Can’t remember if that ever did come to Release yet or are you using Beta/Nightly?

What that’s telling you is:

It seems that your Brave Rewards country does not match the country of the Uphold account you are trying to connect to.

It has/had us choose which country/region we’re in. So if you chose a country like United States but then have your Uphold for Brazil, it won’t connect.

That said, can you say what version of Brave you’re using?

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