Uphold discontinuning trading or holding BAT

@Onder yes, it seems people have received emails that Uphold sent to warn of this a month ago. Sometimes due to changing regulations or risk assessment, platforms like Uphold might delist certain type of cryptocurrency in a particular region.

Your option at this time will be on-chain Rewards. You may wish to read through PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators and some of the things I link to in the post. It will explain how to join the waitlist to get an invite and start getting paid directly to your wallet instead of a custodial partner.

Or there is a BAT Ambassador, a user chosen by Brave to help people in specific countries, who created a local website in Turkish if you would prefer to check it. This is https://braveturk.com/solana-cuzdani-vip-davet-listesi/