Update: I used the exe file BraveBrowserSetup-BRV040, to “update” brave and it did update to V116.115 (from .110), but the “Check Update” is still not present in the Privacy and Security section.
Was this puposely taken out?
I updated to V166.110 today and was looking around the settings to see any changes, and I noticed the “Check Update” is no longer present in the Privacy and Security section.
I looked around and could not find the check update on any of the other settings page. Is this going to be put somewhere else?
Win 11 Pro desktop, but same on a Win 10 Pro desktop and Win 10 Pro laptop. I do manual updates, not auto.
Does anyone from Brave monitor these questions and problems or am I posting/asking in the wrong place?
I have clearly spelled out a problem that was created after an update. (initially when it updated to version 166.110)
Problem: There is no longer a “Check Update” under the Privacy and Security settings tab section.
A week or so later I manually updated brave using the BraveBrowserSetup-BRV040 exe file. That updated to V166.115, but the Check Update is still not present in the Privacy and Security section.
Seems like an issue Brave would want to know and have an answer for. I doubt they intend for users to get updates by using the main setup exe file.
This doesn’t say anything except for where you downloaded Brave from.
Not sure what you’re referencing here. For the past 2 years or so you check updates in About Brave which is under Help in the hamburger menu or is at brave://settings/help in settings.
Or are you referring to the old safety check button to where it would check extensions and all?
Thank you. Yes, I have been using the what you call the "old safety check " button. This disappeared when I updated to 166.110. I used the BRV040 to reload to see if that would “fix” the safety check button.
I was not aware of the Settings/Help/About Brave was the new location to get updates from. But I just used it and it updated. And I did just did an update on another computer by just clicking on the about brave version number at the bottom left of the settings page. Both updated to 166.118. Apparently too simple to be obvious.
Anyways, thanks for the help and info. Problem resolved.
@GCodeUCode btw, I should have responded, but wanted to make sure you realize like a day or so after we talked, they added it again. So if you’re on newer versions of Brave, you should see the button.
Thanks for the follow up. I had not seen that, but checked and I do have it and will use that. But I now know the other methods if this ever disappears again.