Update URLhaus Malicious URL Blocklist subscription URL

Hello @fanboynz

This post is based on what I’m seeing at https://github.com/brave/adblock-resources/blob/master/filter_lists/default.json
For the “URLhaus Malicious URL Blocklist” the current subscription URL shows a mirror from the list that was not updated for a month.
When visiting https://github.com/curbengh/urlhaus-filter (from the List Maintainer) we can find this other URL (URL-based, lite version) : https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter-online.txt (this time correctly updated).
Does it need to be updated in Brave ? Especially since malware protection needs frequent updating in my opinion.

Thank you.

Worth to mention @fanboynz,

As you can see on the new URL, the guy specified :

! 2021/01/08: There has been a major change to the mirrors, check the repo for the new mirrors.
! Old mirrors will be deprecated in 3 months. The main download link “curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/is not affected.

The message is from early January and the last update of the current Brave mirror is 14th March. So it makes sense.
Therefore there IS a need to update the mirror for Brave, else we’re just gonna have a filter list that will become obsolete over time.

We’re just using the defaults from uBO here, @BrLil6015

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