Unsupported command-line flag: --no-sandbox

Just install brave in kali linux, it gives error when opening as a root.
( [8308:8308:0916/045644.362139:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(90)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. )

Brave Version 1.29.81 Chromium: 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hi !!! I don’t speak english, but I will try my best.

I’ve found a video on youtube.

I have debian bullseye, when I try to run Brave with root, Brave doens’t lunch.
If I try from the terminal give me that error: --no-sandbox

I do the thing in that video and I fix it.

Enter the properties of the app (lunch menu) (SORRY AGAIN, I DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH), and added to the end of the line of the Order: /usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U
the parameters --no-sandbox
Yes, you need to add --no-sandbox
And save.

Something like this: /usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U --no-sandbox

The link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkThiqUJNJw

Thank you, and I apologize by the grammar.
I hope to help whoever it happens again.

En español: Tengo Debian bullseye, con el usuario root no puedo ejecutar el navegador Brave, directamente le hago doble click y no abre, si intento ejecutarlo desde la terminal me tira el siguiente error: [17960:17960:0528/170249.640262:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(90)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.

Encontré en YouTube un video donde explican la solución.
Hay que acceder a las propiedades del lanzador de Brave (desde el menú principal) y en la solapa Aplicación, agregarle al final del tercer recuadro el parámetro: --no-sandbox
Lo que quedaría algo así: /usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U --no-sandbox

El link del video está más arriba.