Uncertainty about the next payment date!

Am just curious about the next payment date in the rewards section. Mine shows it is on Jul 6 even we are in the Month of May! Does anybody facing this issue besides me?

Screenshot from 2021-05-31 14-05-22

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Very strange! Mine shows Jun 6. Could be a bug.


It does that sometimes. Not sure why. Seems to happen about the end of the month, so may be tied to the beginning of monthly rewards processing. Every time it has happened to me, it fixed itself within a few days.


Nowadays am bit concerned about each update released by brave! Because for each update there may be some hidden bugs like this besides to the previous fixes. This one is new to my knowledge, And also my uphold wallet is only credited with a few bats from first installation in windows. Second installation in Linux still have bats to be credited in the wallet and now it shown like this. @steeven Please help me if you can spare me a minute buddy!

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My, both browsers Brave and Brave Beta showing

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Your timezone? Mine still showing JUL6 :face_with_head_bandage:

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