Unable to verify channel

I am unable to verify one of my websites.

I’ve added the TXT DNS record as mentioned but I get the error:

Your website, bonocar.com, was not verified because we could not find the token in any of the TXT records. Please add this TXT entry to your DNS records:

I’ve even waited a whole day.

The other method using a file is not working either because I am getting an error: Uh oh! Your domain is NOT using HTTPS. You will need to fix that before continuing.

Strange thing is my site IS using HTTPS and I’ve done some tests online to confirm that.

So what’s the matter here?

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I checked bonocar.com with a DNS checker and I don’t see a TXT record with the authentication token in it – this needs to be a public DNS TXT record. :slight_smile:

It can take a day or two for all the changes to fully catch up. I would wait and try again if you still haven’t had any success.

Hi Asad, thanks for checking. Which DNS checker did you use?

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