Unable to Transfer BAT on Solana Network

Description of the issue: I am trying to transfer BAT on Solana Network using Brave Wallet but transaction confirmation panel does not load. On clicking Send button nothing happens whether I try form Brave Wallet Extention Panel or from Wallet home page itself. I have sufficient SOL to transact.

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation?
Brave Wallet New

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Login to Brave Wallet
  2. Select Network- Solana Mainnet Beta
  3. Select Account
  4. Enter amount to send- 10 BAT
  5. Enter destination Address
  6. Click Send

Transction panel to confirm transaction mentioning fee should appear but nothing happens.

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Brave 1.40.41 Chromium: 101.0.4951.54 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)
Revision 67da1aeb32cedd27634ca6634fb79cbd85d3f0ab-refs/branch-heads/4951@{#1126}
OS Windows 10 Version 21H2 (Build 19044.1586)

Additional Information:

The BAT Token Address on Solana that I have added is this- https://solscan.io/token/EPeUFDgHRxs9xxEPVaL6kfGQvCon7jmAWKVUHuux1Tpz

My Solana Address with Solana-BAT: 7CinwMy5eLr2TzNQCYpqNsB3jVPcaY7qYBw18Zf1o9TB

This is where I’m stuck-


Or here, both-

@brian @Mattches

And, for now I’m going to use Phantom wallet for this urgent transaction.


Thank you for the detailed report @Aman_M. I’ve forwarded your report to the Wallet team for review, hope to have more information for you soon…

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Hey @Aman_M ,

Thank you for reporting this, just tracked down the cause of this issue.
Have a fix up for it now and will hopefully get it moved up to the next Beta release!


Cool. I observed same thing in Beta version as well. Can’t wait for the update.


Just wanted to update @everyone that on-chain transaction on Solana costs 0.000005 SOL. And with 0.025 SOL, I can do 5000 transactions (per transaction cost ~$0.05 at all time high of Solana- $260 which is at ~$70 currently). So very cost effective and fast too :heart_eyes:.


I transferred 5 BAT (Portal) from Brave Wallet and the transfer was smooth. But the transfer amount on transactions page brave://wallet/crypto/portfolio/...account... shows amount incorrectly-

I transferred 5 BAT but it shows 0.0439249 SOL transferred. The fiat amount $1.828 is correct for 5 BAT which it has converted to SOL. I would expect that I will show me 5 BAT as tranferred.

Tx Hash: https://explorer.solana.com/tx/5d5X3poJMcS1QyrW9UQsv2r29XMQ1y9eLrgpHum5R6NcxC6YWPuKS4fyiAVepRCevZ7TrCP6uEkFkQiZkijXKVwo

@Mattches @DouglasHDaniel

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