Unable to reconnect my Gemini account from outside of the US

According to this thread I should be able to reconnect my Gemini account again. (I do not live in the United States)

However, when I try to reconnect it, it still gives me the error saying that my region is not currently supported?

@Mr_Moustachio Are you using it on a device and browser that had been linked to Gemini before?

Yes I am. It disconnected itself a number of months back and I just haven’t tried reconnecting it to my Gemini account until now.

@Mr_Moustachio, can you send me your brave://rewards-internals general info page, and your event logs page? Please send via DM. I have a hypothesis, but just need to confirm with those details.


@chriscat Just checking that you got my DM?

@chriscat Hello there, may i also send you DM? I have the same problem with Gemini. I’m unable to connect because of not being supported (country: Poland). I also tried reconnecting with Uphold but it seems my profile has been flagged. Let me know so i can send you my rewards-internals with event logs page.

You’ll need to create a Rewards Support Ticket and someone will be able to help you with that.

Yeah i know but it happened before so it may happen again. I figured out that maybe i’m just gonna use Gemini as i used to because it is possible now. Seems like it isn’t and not only for me so… well, it will be a support ticket then.

I also have the same issue. Have had gemini verified for a while from the UK and now it says unsupported. I fall under the logged out state and need to reconnect. How do I get this resolved?

@reallycantdrive You’re in the Logged out state right now (as in, you see the text “Logged out”), but when you try to log back in, it gives you a “region not supported” error? If so, that shouldn’t be happening. It should let you log back in.

Can you copy-paste your brave://rewards-internals (general info page) to me via PM? Thanks.

Same here from the UK. Do I need to raise a ticket? I already have one ticket open. Thanks.

@the7 It would probably be best to create your own topic.

Make sure to provide as much details on what’s happening as you can. Also, since you’re saying you’ve created a support ticket, might be good to provide that ticket number and the date it was submitted in your new topic as a reference as well. (also, make sure you’re checking that no emails requesting additional info haven’t arrived)

Assuming you mean you’re getting the region not supported notice, then we’d have to ask if you’re still using the same browser as before and that it had indeed been connected in the recent past, without you making attempts to link to Uphold or anything. Keep in mind if you uninstalled/reinstalled Brave, formatted your device, or anything of the sort then it would count as a new browser or device.

But yeah, if you can do that on own topic rather than us “hijacking” this one, would be great.

Oh, so in my case because I linked it to my uphold account (to see if I could still connect it to any account) that therefore means I cannot reconnect my Gemini account?

@Mr_Moustachio That’s correct. The browser only can remember the last connection it had. So if you went from Gemini to trying to connect to Uphold, it would remember Uphold as your last and would have forgotten about the Gemini connection.


And since new connections can’t be made with Gemini at this time unless you’re in the United States, this would result in you getting the unsupported region notice.

I see. Thanks for the clarification.

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