Unable to Modify Custom Added Asset in Brave Wallet

Description of the issue:
I added BAT (Portal) on Solana network but entered decimal precision as 18 instead of 8. I don’t see an option to modify it. Deleting this token and adding it back just adds the token with decimal precision as 18.

Are you using the (new) Brave Wallet or the (old) Crypto wallets implementation?
New Brave wallet

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Login to Brave Wallet and switch network to Solana
  2. Select Assets to be displayed from Solana Network
  3. Add Custom Asset: BAT (Portal)- https://solscan.io/token/EPeUFDgHRxs9xxEPVaL6kfGQvCon7jmAWKVUHuux1Tpz
  4. Enter Decimal Precision wrongly as 18.
  5. Delete the token form custom assets and Add it as new token
  6. Enter decimal precision as 8 and click “Add”
  7. See the error (in screenshot) and token is added with previously entered 18 decimal precision

Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.40.113, same behaviour in latest Nightly.

Additional Information:

After clicking “Add”, decimal precision changes back to 18-


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Hey @Aman_M,

We will soon be implementing a way to edit a Custom Assets https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/23353

A work around right now is to Remove and then Re-add your Custom Asset

  1. To remove, open the Visible assets modal and click the Trash Can icon next to your asset and then click done.

  1. Now you can open the Visible assets modal again, click Add custom asset and re-add your custom asset.
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@DouglasHDaniel I am exactly doing that. In my first screenshot, I have removed previously added token (with trash button) and I’m adding it again. On clicking “Add”, after entering correct values, the decimal precision changes back to wrong value that I entered before.

Please see my second screenshot which is after clicking “Add”. So the work around Remove and Re-add isn’t working.

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Hey @Aman_M,

Did you click Done after clicking the Trash Can icon?
If you don’t click Done it doesn’t actually remove it, so the asset will stay in memory when you attempt to Re-add it and give you that error.

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My Bad. That does it. Thanks.

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