Unable to log in to protonmail.com with new Brave version

I just downloaded the newest version of Brave and am unable to log in to protonmail.com using it. Protonmail sends me to a screen that says it is only compatible with browsers supported by PRNG and Web Storage:


Turning all the shields off does not help at all.

The site does work as expected when using Chrome.

Brave Version 0.68.132 Chromium: 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Hi @Condor,

Thanks for writing in. What OS are you running? Just tested on macOS and it worked as expected and see this when clicking into the link:


Were you able to log in as expected before the latest update?

For some reason it’s not working for me. I’m using MacOS High Sierra Version 10.13.6. I was was able to log in as expected before the latest update but I was using a quite old version of Brave. I actually encountered this problem with previous updates so kept using my old version of Brave instead of updating. I only updated now because Brave is no longer supporting the version I was using.

Do you know how to enable Session Storage in Brave?

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