Unable To Edit Bookmarks Via The Ribbon Icon

Description of the issue:
I noticed that opening the hamburger menu on a bookmarked page and then long pressing the orange ribbon icon will pop up a tooltip stating “edit bookmark”. However rather than editing the bookmark, pressing that just deletes it. This makes editing a bookmark very tedious because the only way to do so is to search for the page you’re on within your bookmarks menu and use the hamburger menu next to the result to press edit. There’s no quick way to edit a bookmarked page without the ribbon icon working correctly.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Bookmark your current page or go to a bookmarked page.
  2. Open the hamburger (three vertical dots) menu. Long press the orange ribbon. “Edit bookmark” is displayed. Press the orange ribbon.
  3. The bookmark is deleted with no confirmation rather than edited, resulting in a loss of name customization and folder location.

Expected result:
The bookmark’s edit window should pop up as the tooltip suggests.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device details
Android 11 on a Note 20 Ultra.

Additional Information:
It never occurred to me to file a bug report about this until now when I actually wanted to edit a bookmark and realized there was no easy way to do so. Please fix this, pressing on the ribbon once a page is bookmarked should not just delete it. Especially when the descriptive text states that it’s supposed to edit.

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Still present on 1.22.71.

I have also come across this issue recently and would like to also plead for this to be changed/fixed.

It results in editing bookmarks becoming a full process of undoing the bookmark and then re-bookmarking the same page with the new information and also replacing it back into the folder it was meant to be in if you’ve been dealing with bookmarks in other folders, if you don’t want to trawl through all the different bookmark folders in order find where the bookmark is located and edit it through the triple dot on the bookmark.

All in all an incredibly inconvenient process.

This is on the 1.22.71 version of brave.

I have seen a comment on another post stating that this is in fact the intended behaviour, however it does make editing bookmarks significantly more cumbersome so I’d still like to appeal for a solution that allows for a less tedious editing process.

A set of options when you click on the bookmark, or a menu to pop up when holding the bookmark option allowing for the editing option are a few possible solutions I can think of and would be much appreciated.

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