Unable to connect uphold wallet in android brave browser

Seems like we are conflating a lot of issues here.

If you are seeing the “device limit reached” message
This means you have linked the maximum number of devices to your Uphold/Gemini account that we allow at this time. Please see the following post for information on how to submit a wallet unlinking request:

If you are stuck in a wallet verification loop
If you go to Verify wallet and run through the Rewards verification process, complete it, and receive no errors/error messages, but your Rewards page/panel still shows Verify wallet, you’re likely stuck in a verification loop. This can happen when Uphold can’t communicate with the browser due to blocked cookies. For this, try logging into Uphold.com, opening your Shields panel and changing the cookie control setting to Allow all cookies, then try the verification process again.

If you are seeing a wallet verification error
I believe this could be due to a couple things:

  1. Your wallet is in a corrupted state, in which case you will likely need to reset your wallet. You can tell if your wallet is corrupted by going to brave://rewards-internals and checking to see if there is a Wallet payment ID on the General info tab. If there is not, your wallet is likely corrupted.
  2. You have not completed Uphold’s KYC requirements.
  3. Your wallet has been flagged.

If you believe you fall under case 1 or 2 above, please send me a DM and I will do my best to assist you. For #2 above, simply complete the KYC requirements in your Uphold account and you should be good to go.