Ubuntu opening can't open a new window from CLI bash with `brave-browser` at maximized window

Description of the issue:
I am unable to open brave-browser new window from the CLI (or anyhow), From my understanding brave should remmember the state of the last closed window but whne I:

Maximize and then close the brave browser window, when reopening it, it open a “pop up” which is minimized and won’t “remmber the state”.
How’d you force it to open maximized at full window from the CLI?

brave-browser --help doesn’t seem to have any arguments for that as well as in the GUI settings

Any idea what sould I do to get that happening? can’t also seem to find the right “maximized windows / screen” settings in the ‘~/.config/’

Brave Version( check About Brave):

[Version 1.73.91 Chromium: 131.0.6778.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)(https://brave.com/latest/)

Additional Information:

Ubuntu 24.04

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List of Chromium Command Line Switches « Peter Beverloo


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Ah also the command flags don’t seem to work when i do that in linux this doesn’t seem to affect anything…

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