Try to install Brave failed

I am unable to connect to internet after download to install Brave (Windows 10 64). Please provide specific URL and instructions of how to fix this. Thanks.

Can you try again @gustavplato? Itā€™s should works now.

Hello everyone, I speak for some who understand the seriousness of this problem, who call (update) looking for the solution to continue referring users to have our payments. We are not looking to install brave github. For some who do not understand that installing brave from github is not the same as doing it with the reference link of each user. I want the community to help us and ask specific questions like (when I can continue referring through my link to accumulate users and my BATs.) Answer

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it works now like a charm. Thanks eljuno for the quick fix

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I tried it again and it is working. Thank you.

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You missed my previous reply @nicolasicozamora . :point_up:

And you can try again now. It should works.

Are you running any specific anti-virus or the ā€˜Controlled Foldersā€™ feature in Windows 10? Iā€™ve run into an issue before where both my AV and that feature stopped the installation of Brave.

I believe I might have used the controlled folder function at some point and run into issues when trying to take it off again. Not sure how to check for it now and what to do to fix this. As of AV I have the in built windows defender.