Tor (without incognito)

Description of the issue:
I have launched Brave with --tor (only) but it launches tor + incognito. Despite having everything set to resume session and remember this and that everything is lost on restart.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Launch with --tor and the browser automatically assumes incognito.

Expected result:
I expect I can run tor without incognito given I did not launch with those parameters. There is a difference between wanting privacy between you and 3rd parties on the internet and privacy on the physical machine but Brave does not have this distinction.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.73.91 Chromium: 131.0.6778.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Additional Information:

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This is correct. No way to launch Tor except to have Private With Tor. This is the only way it’s built into the browser. Not sure if you meant to put this more to Brave Feature Requests or something?

Well given the fact there is no feature for the expected logic you can put it in feature requests but I’d call this a bug or simply a problem. Again I launched with Tor not Tor + Incognito making either the launch commands misnomers or broken.

The fact you can launch with --tor and --incognito means they are separate. If you wanted both you’d include both as launch args. If you launch --incognito you only get incognito, but if you launch with --tor you get incognito and TOR…that does not make sense.

Again this is just logical and there should be the distinction of being able to use TOR (i.e. privacy against 3rd parties) vs Incognito (trying to hide things from physical access/proximity to your user account/machine).

“BB” = Brave Browser

First: Launch BB with the --tor switch. In a BB New Window, go to:


Copy the “Command line:” info to a new text editor window.

Second: Launch BB with the --tor and --incognito switches. In a BB New Window, go to:


Copy the “Command line:” info to another new text editor window.

Compare the info of both text editor windows. Both text editor windows will include the --incognito switch.

Next: Not using either of the preceding BB launch methods, but instead, launching Brave Browser and then choosing to open a BB New Private Window with Tor . . . you will probably / should get the same brave://version Command line info, meaning: the --tor and --incognito switches.

Thus, you know that however you get to a Brave Browser window that will connect to Tor servers - according to the Brave implementation of Tor for the purpose of your gaining Tor service online - the Brave Browser window will be in Private Browsing Only (aka “incognito”) mode.

And this does what to solve the issue? So you posted this why?

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