This is a Brave Android, Desktop, iOS Suggestion

I really just want an account when it comes to brave, you know something that’ll keep track of my history, bookmarks, brave rewards, extensions. (I saw the extensions thing on another post and that’s also a good idea)

Less issues with brave payouts as there is one account that links to gemini or uphold therefore the 4 wallet linking limit will no longer be an issue.

It’ll streamline the payout system so the browser will advance more quickly, you guys are creating your own wallet which I believe you can trade with so you can sign into your wallet with your brave account.

It’ll make it easier to get BAT off of mobile devices as that right now is hell, I’m still waiting for my ability to use gemini on mobile and I have little faith that it’ll get done in a timely manner… I’m expecting 3 to 6 months from now.

For now, You can use Brave Sync It does the same thing.(keeping all data)

Brave Sync is okay but it works with QR codes that are difficult to backup that well, I mean do any QR code managers exist? I don’t think so but password managers definitely exist

There is a sync code also which can be saved in a password manager.